
CodePen Home Transparent Login Form with floating Placeholder Text


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<div class="box">



    <div class="inputBox">

      <input type="email" name="email" required onkeyup="this.setAttribute('value', this.value);" value="">



    <div class="inputBox">

      <input type="password" name="password" required value=""

             onkeyup="this.setAttribute('value', this.value);"


             title="Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters">



    <input type="submit" name="sign-in" value="Sign In">




body {

  margin: 0;

  padding: 0;

  background: url(;

  background-size: cover;

  font-family: sans-serif;


.box {

  position: absolute;

  top: 50%;

  left: 50%;

  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

  width: 25rem;

  padding: 2.5rem;

  box-sizing: border-box;

  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);

  border-radius: 0.625rem;


.box h2 {

  margin: 0 0 1.875rem;

  padding: 0;

  color: #fff;

  text-align: center;


.box .inputBox {

  position: relative;


.box .inputBox input {

  width: 100%;

  padding: 0.625rem 0;

  font-size: 1rem;

  color: #fff;

  letter-spacing: 0.062rem;

  margin-bottom: 1.875rem;

  border: none;

  border-bottom: 0.065rem solid #fff;

  outline: none;

  background: transparent;


.box .inputBox label {

  position: absolute;

  top: 0;

  left: 0;

  padding: 0.625rem 0;

  font-size: 1rem;

  color: #fff;

  pointer-events: none;

  transition: 0.5s;


.box .inputBox input:focus ~ label,

.box .inputBox input:valid ~ label,

.box .inputBox input:not([value=""]) ~ label {

  top: -1.125rem;

  left: 0;

  color: #03a9f4;

  font-size: 0.75rem;


.box input[type="submit"] {

  border: none;

  outline: none;

  color: #fff;

  background-color: #03a9f4;

  padding: 0.625rem 1.25rem;

  cursor: pointer;

  border-radius: 0.312rem;

  font-size: 1rem;


.box input[type="submit"]:hover {

  background-color: #1cb1f5;


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