
BBA CA and BCA RDBMS SEM 2 Practical slips solution


BBA CA and BCA Practical slips solution

Pune University BBA(CA)/BCA Software Practical Slips Solution C Programming, Rdbms , DBMS, WebTech subjects in syllabus


 RDBMS  Practical Slips Solution

Slip 1
Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]
Client (client_no, client_name, address, birthdate)
Policy_info (policy_no, desc, maturity_amt, prem_amt, date)
Relation between Client and Policy_info is Many to Many
Constraint: Primary key, prem_amt and maturity_amt should be >
Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:
Client (c_no, c_name, c_addr, birth_date)
Policy_info (p_no, p_name, maturity_amt, prem_amt, policy_dt)
1)  Write a function which will return total maturity amount of policies of a particular client.
create or replace function f1(cno IN number)
return number is
tot number(15);
select sum(policy_info maturity_amt) into tot
from policy_info,cp_info,client
where policy_info.p_no=cp_info.p_no and client.c_no= cp_info.c_no and client.c_no=cno ;

return tot;

calling function
    dbms_output.put_line(‘total maturity amt of policies of given 
2) Write a cursor which will display policy date wise client details.
cursor c1 (dt IN varchar) is
select c_no, c_name, c_addr, birth_date  
from client,policy,clientp
where client.c_no=clientp.c_no
and policy.p_no=clientp.p_no
and policy_dt=dt;
r1 c1%rowtype;
open c1(‘&dt’);
fetch c1 into r1;
exit when c1%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(r1.c_name||’ ’||r1.c_addr||’ ’||r1.birth_date);
end loop;
close c1;

Slip 2
Q3. Consider the following Item_Supplier database [40]
Item (itemno, itemname )
Supplier (supplier_No , supplier_name, address, city )
Relationship between Item and Supplier is many-to-many with descriptive attribute
rate and quantity
Constraints: itemno ,supplier_No primary key
Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:
1)    Write function to print the total number of suppliers of a particular item
create or replace function f1(itno IN number) return number as xyz number;
select count(supplier.sno)  into xyz from item,supplier,is1 where item.ino=is1.ino and supplier.sno=is1.sno and item.ino=itno;
 return (xyz);
end f1;

dbms_output.put_line (' total no of  supplier for item=' ||f1(1));
2) Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on rate and quantity less than or
equal to zero(Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)
create or replace trigger t3
before insert or update on is1
for each row
if(:new.rate<=0 or:new.quantity<=0) then
raise_application_error(-20001,'rate and qunatity should be > zero');
End if;

calling trigger
       insert into is1 values(1,101,0,1);


Slip 3
Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationship. [40]
Newspaper (name,language , publisher , cost )
Cities (pincode , city, state)
Relationship between Newspaper and Cities is many-to-many with descriptive attribute daily required
Constraints: name and pincode primary key
create table newspaper (name char(20) primary key,language char(20) , publisher varchar(20) , cost number(5) );
create table cities (pincode number(20) primary key , city char(20), state char(20));
create table  nc (name char(20) references newspaper(name),  pincode number(20) references cities(pincode),  dailyr number(20) );
Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:
1)    Write a trigger which will fire before insert on the cities table which check that the pincode must be of 6 digit. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message).
create or replace trigger t8
before insert  on cities
for each row
if(length(:new.pincode) !=6) then
raise_application_error(-20001,'pincode length should be 6');
End if;

calling trigger
       insert into cities values(1125,'pune','mh');
2) Write a procedure to calculate city wise total cost of each newspaper
Write a procedure to calculate city wise total cost of each newspaper
CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure tc(ecity IN char)
   tot number;
   select sum(cost) into tot from newspaper,cities,nc where and cities.pincode=nc.pincode and city=ecity;
   dbms_output.put_line('citiwise total cost of newspapaper='||tot);


Calling procedure


Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]
Client (client_no, client_name, address, birthdate)
Policy_info (policy_no, desc, maturity_amt, prem_amt, date)
create table client(cno int primary key,cname varchar(10),addr varchar(15),bdate varchar(15));
create table policy(pno int primary key,disc varchar(10),mamt int,pamt int,pdate varchar(15));
create table cp(cno int references client(cno),pno int references policy(pno));
Relation between Client and Policy_info is Many to Many
Constraint: Primary key, prem_amt and maturity_amt should be > 0.
Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:
1)  Write a procedure which will display all policy details having premium amount less than 5000.
create or replace procedure p4 as cursor c4 is select pamt,pdate from client,policy,cp where client.cno=cp.cno and policy.pno=cp.pno and pamt< 5000;
c c4 %rowtype;
open c4;
 fetch c4 into c;
 exit when c4%notfound;
 dbms_output.put_line(c.pamt||' '||c.pdate);
 end loop;
 close c4;

Calling procedure
2) Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on policy_info having maturity amount less than premium amount. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate

create or replace trigger t5
before insert or update  on policy
for each row
if(:new.mamt < :new.pamt) then
raise_application_error(-20001,'mamt should > pamt');
End if;

calling trigger
       insert into policy values(2,'lic','20000','30000','10/5/2020');


Slip 5
Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]
Library(Lno, Lname, Location, Librarian, no_of_books)
Book(Bid, Bname, Author_Name, Price, publication)
Relation between Library and Book is one to many.
Constraint: Primary key, Price should not be null.
create table library(l_no number(3) primary key,lname varchar(20),location varchar(20),librarian varchar(20),no_of_book number(3) );

 create table books(b_id number(3) primary key,b_name varchar(20),author_name varchar(20),price number(3),publication varchar(20),l_no number(3) references library(l_no));
Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:
1) Write a function which will accept publication name from user and display total price of
books of that publication.
create or replace function funl(pn in varchar) return number as pm number;
 select sum(books.price) into pm from library,books where library.l_no=books.l_no and publication='vision';
 if sql %found then  return(pm);
 else  return null;
 end if;

calling function
2) Write a cursor which will display library wise book details.(Use Parameterized Cursor)
cursor c1 (lib IN varchar) is
select b_name ,author_name ,price ,publication 
from library,books
where library.l_no=books.l_no
and lname=lib;
r1 c1%rowtype;
open c1(:lib);
fetch c1 into r1;
exit when c1%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(r1.b_name||' '||r1.author_name ||' '||r1.price ||' '||r1.publication );
end loop;
close c1;


Slip no-6

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 Employee (emp_id, emp_name, address)

 Investment (inv_no, inv_name, inv_date, inv_amount)

 Relation between Employee and Investment is One to Many. Constraint: 

Primary key, inv_amount should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and 

write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure which will display details of employees invested 

  2. amount in “Mutual Fund”


1)Create table employee(eidint primary key,ename char(29),addr char(28));

2)Create table investment(inoint primary key,iname char(29),idatedate,iamtint

,eidint,constraintfk_employeeinvestmentforeign key(eid)references employee(eid));

SQL>desc employee

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 EID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 ENMAE                                              CHAR(25)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(27)

SQL>desc investment

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 INO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 INAME                                              CHAR(28)

 IDATE                                              DATE

 IAMT                                               NUMBER(38)

 EID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from employee;

  EID ENMAE                     ADDR

---------- ------------------------- ---------------------------

       101 raghavpune

       103 aaravwagholi

       102 vijaymumbai

         1 raghavpune

SQL> select * from investment;

  INO INAME                        IDATE           IAMT        EID

---------- ---------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------

         1 rahul                        09-JAN-02    1200000        101

         2 archana                      02-MAR-05    1000000        102

         3 pooja                        04-MAR-09    9000000        103

         6 xyz                          26-NOV-16      27000        102

         8 xyz                          26-NOV-08      27000        102

        78 xyz                          26-NOV-22      27000        102

         7 xyz                          03-NOV-23      27000        102

        89 xyz                          09-NOV-23      27000        102

        34 mutual fund                  17-JAN-09     120000          1

        33 mutual fund                  17-JAN-09    1200000        101

10 rows selected.

SQL> create or replace procedure le as

2  cursor d is select employee.eid,enmae,addr,iname from employee,investment

3  whereemployee.eid=investment.eid

4  andinvestment.iname='mutual fund';

5  d1d%rowtype;

6  begin

7  open d;

8  loop

9  fetch d into d1;

10  exit when d%notfound;


12  end loop;

13  close d;

14  end;

15  /

Procedure created.


SQL> execute le();

output:1raghav                   pune

output:101raghav                   pune

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display date wise investment details.


SQL> declare

2  cursor y is select investment.ino,iname,idate,iamt,employee.eid

3  from investment,employee

4  where employee.eid=investment.eid

5  order by idate;

6  y1y%rowtype;

7  begin

8  open y;

9  loop

10  fetch y into y1;

11  exit when y%notfound;

12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||y1.idate||''||y1.ino||''||y1.iname||''||y1.


13  end loop;

14  close y;

15  end;

16  /


output:26-NOV-088  xyz                         27000 102

output:17-JAN-0933  mutual fund                 1200000 101

output:17-JAN-0934mutual fund                 120000 1

output:26-NOV-166xyz                         27000 102

output:26-NOV-2278xyz                         27000 102

output:03-NOV-237xyz                         27000  102

output:09-NOV-2389xyz                         27000 102

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-7

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Bill (billno, day, tableno, total) 

Menu (dish_no, dish_desc, price) 

The relationship between Bill and Menu is Many to Many with quantity as 

descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, price should be > 0. 

Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure to display menu details having price

  2.  between 200 to 500 which were order on ‘Saturday’ .


SQL> create table bill(bnoint primary key,dayvarchar(27),tnoint,totalint);

Table created.

SQL>desc bill

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DAY                                                VARCHAR2(27)

 TNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 TOTAL                                              NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into bill values(1,'monday',23,123);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bill values(2,'saturday',23,234);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bill values(3,'saturday',21,45);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from bill;

       BNO DAY                                TNO      TOTAL

---------- --------------------------- ---------- ----------

         1 monday                              23        123

         2 saturday                            23        234

         3 saturday                            21         45

SQL> create table menu(dnoint primary key,d_descvarchar(29),price int);

Table created.

SQL>desc menu

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 D_DESC                                             VARCHAR2(29)

 PRICE                                              NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into menu values(11,'asd',234);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into menu values(12,'fsd',659);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into menu values(13,'jho',467);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from menu;

DNO D_DESC                             PRICE

---------- ----------------------------- ----------

        11 asd                                  234

        12 fsd                                  659

        13 jho                                  467

SQL> create table bm(bnoint references bill(bno),dnoint references menu(dno));

Table created.


 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 DNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into bmvalues(1,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(1,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(2,13);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(2,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(3,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(3,13);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from bm;

       BNO        DNO

---------- ----------

         1         11

         1         12

         2         13

         2         12

         3         12

         3         13

6 rows selected.

SQL> create or replace procedure yu as

2  cursor f is select menu.dno,d_desc,price from bill,menu

3  where price between 200 and 500

4  and day='saturday'

5  andbill.bno=bm.bno

6  andmenu.dno=bm.dno;

7  f1f%rowtype;

8  begin

9  open f;

10  loop

11  fetch f into f1;

12  exit when f%notfound;

13  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||f1.dno||''||f1.d_desc||

14  end loop;

15  close f;

16  end;

17  /

Procedure created.


 SQL> execute yu();



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2) Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on Menu

 having price less than or equal to zero. (Raise user defined exception 

and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger nj

2  before insert or update

3  on menu

4  for each row

5  begin

6  if(:new.price<=0) then

7  raise_application_error(-20004,'enter more than 0');

8  end if;

9  end;

10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into menu values(23,'dde',23);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into menu values(87,'dde',-0);

insert into menu values(87,'dde',-0)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20004: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.NJ", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.NJ'

Slip no-8

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Plan (plan_no, plan_name, nooffreecalls, freecalltime, fix_amt) 

Customer (cust_no, cust_name, mobile_no) 

Relation between Plan and Customer is One to Many. Constraint: 

Primary key, fix_amt should be greater than 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and 

write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a function which will accept plan number from user and 

  2. display all the details of the selected plan 


SQL> create table plan11(pnoint primary key,pname varchar2(24),nooffreecallsint,

freecalltimetimestamp,famtint check(famt>0));

Table created.

SQL> create table cust11(cnoint primary key,cname varchar2(28),mnoint,pnoint,

constraint fk_plan11cust11 foreign key(pno)references plan11(pno));

Table created.

SQL> insert into plan11values(11,'ddsd',12,'09/jan/07 12:09:09',1200);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into plan11values(12,'ytti',22,'02/feb/03


1 row created.

SQL>  insert into plan11 values(13,'kuio',23,'01/mar/0211:02:03',1400);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from plan11;


11 ddsd                                1209-JAN-07 Pm       1200

12 ytti                                2202-FEB-03 AM 1300

13 kuio                                2301-MAR-02 Am  1400

SQL>  insert into cust11 values(1,'priti',1223223232,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into cust11 values(2,'shamal',567576687,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into cust11 values(3,'raghav',576786878,13);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from cust11;

CNO CNAME                               MNO        PNO

---------- ---------------------------- ---------- ----------

         1 priti                        1223223232         11

         2 shamal                        567576687         12

         3 raghav                        576786878         13

SQL> create or replace function yt(n in number)

  2   return varchar2 as

3  res varchar2(29);

4  begin

  5   select pname into res from plan0 where pno=n;

  6   return res;

7  end;

8  /

Function created.

Function calling

SQL> begin

2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||yt(11));

3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2) Write a cursor which will display customer wise plan details.

(Use Parameterized Cursor)


 SQL> declare

2  n number;

  3   cursor c1(n number) is select plan11.pno,pname,famt from plan11, cust11

4  where plan11.pno=cust11.pno

5  and cust11.cno=n;

6  c c1%ROWTYPE;

7  begin

  8   n:=&n;

  9   open c1(n);

11   fetch c1 into c;

 10   loop

12   exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 13   dbms_output.put_line(c.pno||' '||c.pname||' '||c.famt);

 14   end loop;

 15   close c1;

16  end;

17  /


Enter value for n: 1

old   8:  n:=&n;

new   8:  n:=1;

11 ddsd 1200

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-9

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Project (pno, pname, start_date, budget, status) 

Department (dno, dname, HOD, loc) 

The relationship between Project and Department is Many to One. 

Constraint: Primary key. Project Status Constraints:

 C – Completed, P - Progressive, I – Incomplete Create a RDB in 3NF 

and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a function which accept department name and display total 

  2. number of projects whose status is “p”(progressive).

create table project(pnoint primary key,pname char(29),sdatedate,dudgetint,

status char(28)check(status in('c','i','p')));

SQL>desc project

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 SDATE                                              DATE

 DUDGET                                             NUMBER(38)

 STATUS                                             CHAR(28)

SQL> select * from project;

PNO PNAME              SDATE         DUDGET   STATUS

---------- -----------------------------        ---------       ---------          

1 abc                           09-JAN-20     200000                c

2 ass                           09-MAR-20      50000                i

3 hhs                           04-JAN-20     300000                p

12 xyz                           09-JAN-09     12000                 p

create table department(dnoint primary key,dname char(24),hod char(28),loc 

char(29),pnoint,constraintfk_projectdepartment foreign key(pno)references 


SQL>desc department;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              CHAR(24)

 HOD                                                CHAR(28)

 LOC                                                CHAR(29)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from department;

 DNO     DNAME                    HOD             LOC      PNO

---------- ------------------------ ------------- --------------              

11  computer science         mane                        pune            1

12  commercedespandepune             2        

13  computer science         kadampune            3   

23   slbdrpune            12

SQL> create or replace function fg(d in char)

  2  return number as

  3  bs number(10);

  4  begin

  5  select count(pname) into bs from project,department

  6  where project.pno=department.pno

  7  and dname=d

  8  and status='p';

  9  return bs;

 10  end;

 11  /

Function created.

function calling:-

SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||fg('slb'));

  3  end;

  4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display status wise project details of each 

  1. department.


SQL> declare

  2     cursor s1 is

  3      select pno,pname,sdate,dudget,status from project

  4      where sdate='09/jan/2020';

  5      s s1%rowtype;

  6     begin

  7     open s1;

  8     loop

  9      fetch s1 into s;

 10        exit when s1%notfound;

 11      dbms_output.put_line(s.pno||''||s.pname||''||s.sdate||''||s.dudget||''|


 12     end loop;

 13      close s1;

 14      end;

 15     /


1abc                          09-JAN-20200000c

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-10

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Gym (Name, city, charges, scheme) 

Member (ID, Name, phoneNo, address) 

Relation between Gym and member is one to many. Constraint: 

Primary Key, charges must be greater than 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and 

write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a function which will accept member id and scheme from user 

  2. and display charges paid by that member. 


1.create table gym23(name varchar2(29) primary key,city varchar2(28),

charges int,scheme varchar2(29));

SQL>desc gym23

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

NAME                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(29)

 CITY                                               VARCHAR2(28)

 CHARGES                                            NUMBER(38)

 SCHEME                                             VARCHAR2(29)

insert into gym23 values('abc','pune',34000,'hty');

1 row created.

insert into gym23 values('pqr','pune',30000,'yhj');

1 row created.

insert into gym23 values('xyz','pune',90000,'yuhs');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from gym23;

NAME                          CITY                   CHARGES    SCHEME

abcpune                           34000            hty

pqrpune                           30000            yhj

xyzpune                            90000            yuhs

3 row selected

2.create table member9(id int primary key,mname varchar2(29),phnoint,

addr varchar2(28),name varchar2(29),constraint fk_gym23member9 

foreign key(name)references gym23(name));

SQL>desc member9

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 MNAME                                              VARCHAR2(29)

 PHNO                                               NUMBER(38)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(28)

 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(29)

insert into member values(11,'raghav',7875657575,'wagholi','abc' );

1 row created.

insert into member values(12,'aarav',7565456478 ,'wagholi','pqr' );

1 row created.

insert into member values(13,'shamal  ',6565657668 ,'pune','xyz' );

1 row created.

SQL> select * from member9;

ID   MNAME                PHNO     ADDR     NAME


11    raghav                7875657575   wagholiabc

12    aarav                  7565456478    wagholipqr

13    shamal                6565657668   pune   xyz

SQL> create or replace function getprise (n IN number)

  2  return number as

  3  res number(10);

  4  begin

  5  select charges into res

  6  from gym23,member9

  7  where id=n

  8   and;

  9  return res;

 10  end;

 11  /

Function created.

Function calling:-

SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||getprise(11));

  3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on Gym having 

  1. charges less than 1000. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate 

  1. message)


SQL> create or replace trigger t11

  2   before insert or update

3  on gym23

4  for each row

5  begin

6  if(:new.charges<1000) then

  7   raise_application_error(-20002,'ERROR::Charges should be greater than 1000');

  8   end if;

9  end;

10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into gym23 values('sd','pune',2300,'wee');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into gym23 values('yw','pune',200,'wee');

insert into gym23 values('yw','pune',200,'wee')


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20002: ERROR::Charges should be greater than 1000

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.T11", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.T11'

Slip no-11

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Student (rollno, sname, class, timetable)

 Lab (LabNo, LabName, capacity, equipment) 

Relation between Student and Lab is Many to One. Constraint:

 Primary Key, capacity should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF 

and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a function which will accept Lab number from user and display 

  2. total number of student allocated in that lab. 


SQL> Create table student2(rnoint primary key,sname char(29),class int,


Table created.

SQL> Create table lab2(lnoint primary key,lname char(29),capacity int,equ 

cha(23),rnoint,constraint fk_student2lab2 foreign key(rno)

references student2(rno));

Table created.

SQL>desc student2;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 RNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 SNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CLASS                                              NUMBER(38)

 TIMETABLE                                          NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into student2 values(1,'raghav','12',10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student2 values(2,'shamal','11',10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student2 values(3,'aarav','13',12);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from student2;

RNO SNAME                              CLASS  TIMETABLE

---------- ----------------------------- ---------- ----------

         1 raghav                                12         10

         2 shamal                                11         10

         3 aarav                                 13         12

SQL>desc lab2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

LNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 LNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CAPACITY                                           NUMBER(38)

 EQU                                                CHAR(23)

 RNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into lab2 values(11,'slb',56,'computer',1);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into lab2 values(12,'vbb',79,'computer',2);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into lab2 values(13,'rlb',79,'computer',2);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from lab2;


------------  ---------------- ---------------- ---------  ----------

        11          slb                        56            computer   1

12        vbb                          79        computer        2

13        rlb                            79       computer         2

 SQL> create or replace function qw(v in number)

2  return number as

3  sd number;

4  begin

5  select capacity into sd from lab2

6  wherelno=v;

7  returnsd;

8  end;

9  /

Function created.

Function calling:-

SQL> begin

2  dbms_output.put_line('output'||qw(11));

3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2)Write a cursor which will display lab wise student details.


SQL> declare

2  cursor g is select student2.rno,sname,class,timetable,lname

3  from student2,lab2

4  where student2.rno=lab2.rno

5  order by lname;

6  g1g%rowtype;

7  begin

8  open g;

9  loop

10  fetch g into g1;

11  exit when g%notfound;

12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||g1.lname||''||g1.rno||''||g1.sname||''||g1.


13  end loop;

14  close g;

15  end;

16  /


output:rlb                          2shamal                       1110

output:slb                          1raghav                       1210

output:vbb                          2shamal                       1110

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-12

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 Wholesaler (w_no, w_name, address, city) 

Product (product_no, product_name, rate) 

Relation between Wholesaler and Product is Many to Many with 

quantity as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, rate should be > 0. 

Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a function which will accept wholesaler name from user and 

  2. will display total number of items supplied by him.


   SQL> create table wholesaler(wnoint primary key,wname char(29),addr char(28)

,city char(28));

Table created.

SQL>desc wholesaler;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 WNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 WNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(28)

 CITY                                               CHAR(28)

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(1,'raghav','wagholi','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(2,'aarav','thane','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(3,'vijay','thane','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL>select  * from wholesaler;

       WNO WNAME                         ADDR        CITY

 1 raghavwagholipune

 2 aarav                         thane           mumbai

  3 vijay                         thane         mumbai

SQL> create table product(pnoint primary key,pname char(28),rate int);

Table created.

SQL>desc product;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(28)

 RATE                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into product values(11,'pen',12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into product values(12,'pencil',11);

row created.

SQL> insert into product values(13,'notebook',23);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from product;

 PNO PNAME                              RATE

---------- ---------------------------- ----------

        11 pen                                  12

        12 pencil                               11

        13 notebook                             23

SQL> create table wp( quantity int,wnoint references wholesaler(wno),pnoint re

ferences product(pno));

Table created.


 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

QUANTITY                                           NUMBER(38)

 WNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into wpvalues(56,1,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wpvalues(52,2,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wpvalues(22,3,13);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from wp;

QUANTITY        WNO        PNO

---------- ---------- ----------

        56          1         11

        52          2         12

        22          3         13

SQL> create or replace function ni(s in number)

2  return number as

3  gh number;

4  begin

5  select count(wp.pno) into gh from product,wholesaler,wp

6  wherewholesaler.wno=wp.wno

7  andproduct.pno=wp.pno

8  andwholesaler.wno=s;

9  returngh;

10  end;

11  /

Function created.

Function calling:-

SQL> begin

2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||ni(1));

3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on product

  1.  having rate less than or equal to zero (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger ee

2  before insert or update

3  on product

4  for each row

5  begin

6  if(:new.rate<=0) then

7  raise_application_error(-20008,'enter more than 0');

8  end if;

9  end;

10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into product values(101,'pen',123);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into product values(102,'pen',-123);

insert into product values(102,'pen',-123)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20008: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.EE", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.EE'

Slip no-13

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Country (CId, CName ,no_of_states, area, location, population) 

Citizen( Id, Name, mother_toung, state_name)

 Relation between Country and Citizen is one to many. Constraint: 

Primary key, area should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and 

write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a function which will display name of the country having minimum 

  2. population


SQL> Create table country2(cid int primary key,cname char(29),nos int,

area char(29),loc char(29),population int);

Table created.

SQL> Create table citizen3(id int primary key,name char(29),mt char(29),

snamechar(29),cidint,constraint fk_country2citizen3 foreign key(cid)

references country2(cid));

Table created.

SQL>desc country2

 Name                                      Null?                 Type

---------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------

 CID                                       NOT NULL      NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 NOS                                                NUMBER(38)

 AREA                                               CHAR(29)

 LOC                                                CHAR(29)

 POPULATION                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into country2 values(101,'india',34,'ert','gsuy',1230000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into country2 values(102,'us',34,'ert','gsuy',2120000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into country2 values(103,'china',23,'ert','gsuy',200000);

1 row created.

SQL> select* from country2;

       CID          CNAME              NOSAREA                          LOC                           POPULATION

----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

 101 india            34                 ertgsuy                             1230000

       102 us    34ertgsuy                             2120000

       103 china 23ertgsuy                              200000

SQL>desc citizen3

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------

 ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 NAME                                               CHAR(29)

 MT                                                 CHAR(29)

 SNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(1,'raghav','marathi','maharashtra',101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(2,'shamal','marathi','maharashtra',102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(3,'aarav','marathi','maharashtra',102);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from citizen3;

        ID NAME                          MTSNAME                                CID

----------------------------- ----------

         1 raghavmarathimaharashtra                          101

2 shamal                Marathi                maharashtra                          102

 3 aaravmarathimaharashtra                          102  

SQL> create or replace function er

2  return char as

3  uy char(29);

4  begin

5  selectcname into uy from country2

6  where population=(select min(population) from country2);

7  returnuy;

8  end;

9  /

Function created.

Function calling:-

SQL> begin

2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||er());

3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display county wise citizen details.


SQL> declare

2  cursor k is select cname,id,name,mt,sname

3  from country2,citizen3

4  where country2.cid=citizen3.cid

5  order by cname;

6  k1k%rowtype;

7  begin

8  open k;

9  loop

10  fetch k into k1;

11  exit when k%notfound;

12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||k1.cname||''||||''||||''||


13  end loop;

14  close k;

15  end;

16  /


output:india                        1raghav                     marathimaharashtra

output:us                           3aarav                        marathimaharashtra

output:us                           2shamal                       marathimaharashtra

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-14

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 College (code, college_name, address)

 Teacher (teacher_id, teacher_name, Qualification, specialization, salary, Desg) 

Relation between Teacher and College is Many to One. Constraint: Primary Key, 

qualification should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL 

blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure which will accept teacher name from user and display his/her college details.


Create table college(code int primary key,cname char(29),addr char(29));

Table created

Create table teacher1(tidint primary key,tname char(29),qualification char(29),

specialisation char(29),desg char(29),code int,constraint fk_collegeteacher1 

foreign key(code)references college(code));

Table created

SQL>desc college

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CODE                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

SQL>desc teacher1

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 TID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 TNAME                                              CHAR(20)

 QUALIFICATION                                      CHAR(20)

 SPECIALISATION                                     CHAR(28)

 SALARY                                             NUMBER(38)

 DESG                                               CHAR(29)

 CODE                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from college;

      CODE CNAME                         ADDR

---------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------

1 bjswagholi

         2 wadiyapune

         3 dpmmumbai

SQL> select * from teacher1;


---------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

21    mane                 mcomhwe                          30000                  teaher          1

22    jadhav                   m                          ghy                             40000                teach             2

23  deshamukhbahs                            90000                teach               3

SQL> create or replace procedure vs(b in char) as

2  cursor f is select college.code,cname,addr from college,teacher1

3  wherecollege.code=teacher1.code

4  andtname=b;

5  f1f%rowtype;

6  dint;

7  vn char(29);

8  gh char(29);

9  begin

10  open f;

11  loop

12  fetch f into f1;

13  exit when f%notfound;

14  d:=f1.code;

15  vn:=f1.cname;

16  gh:=f1.addr;

17  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||d||''||vn||''||gh);

18  end loop;

19  close f;

20  end;

21  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute vs('mane');


output:1bjs                          wagholi

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

1)Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on Teacher having 

salary less than or equal to zero (Raise user defined exception and give 

appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger rt

2  before insert or update

3  on teacher1

4  for each row

5  begin

6  if(:new.salary<=0) then

7  raise_application_error(-20003,'enter more than 0');

8  end if;

9  end;

10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into teacher1 values(78,'bhagat','mca','bm',40000,'teach',3);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into teacher1 values(76,'kadam','mca','bm',-40000,'teach',3);

insert into teacher1 values(76,'kadam','mca','bm',-40000,'teach',3)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20003: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.RT", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.RT'

Slip no-15

Q3 Consider the following entities andtheirrelationships. [40]Driver (driver_id, driver_name,address)

Car (license_no, model, year)Relation between Driver and Car is Many to Many with date and time asdescriptive attribute.Constraint: Primary key, driver_name should not be null.Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

1)Write a function which will display the total number of person who are using “Swift”car


SQL> create table driver2(did int primary key,dname char(29),addr char(29));

Table created.

SQL> create table car(lnoint primary key,model char(29),year int);

Table created.

SQL> create table dc1( pdate date,did int references driver2(did),

lnoint references car(lno));

Table created.

SQL>desc driver

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 D_NO                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 D_NAME                                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 LICENCE_NO                                         NUMBER(10)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(10)

 D_AGE                                              NUMBER(10)

 SALARY                                             NUMBER(10)

SQL>desc driver2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ---------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into driver2 values(1,'raghav','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into driver2 values(2,'aarav','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into driver2 values(3,'rohan','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from driver2;

       DID DNAME                         ADDR

---------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

         1 raghavpune

         2 aaravmumbai

         3 rohanmumbai

SQL>desc car

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 LNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 MODEL                                              CHAR(29)

 YEAR                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into car values(101,'swift',2001);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into car values(102,'swift',2003);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into car values(103,'seho',2003);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from car;

       LNO MODEL                               YEAR

---------- ----------------------------- ----------

       101 swift                               2001

       102 swift                               2003

       103 seho                                2003

SQL>desc dc

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DID                                                NUMBER(38)

 LNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into dc values(1,101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into dc values(2,101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into dc values(3,102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into dc values(3,103);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from dc;

       DID        LNO

---------- ----------

         1        101

         2        101

         3        102

         3        103

SQL> create or replace function gh

2  return number as

3  sd number;

4  begin

5  select count(model) into sd

6  from car

7  where model='swift';

8  returnsd;

9  end;

10  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

2  dbms_output.put_line('outpout:'||gh());

3  end;

4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2)Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on year. If year value is more than current year. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriatemessage)

Slip no-16

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 Game (game_name, no_of_players, coach_name) 

Player (pid, pname, address, club_name) 

Relation between Game and Player is Many to Many.

 Constraint: Primary key, no_of_players should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure which will display games details 

  2. having number of players more than 5


SQL> create table game2(gname char(29) primary key,nop int,cname char(29));

Table created.

SQL> create table player2(pid int primary key,pname char(29),addr char(29),cname


Table created.

SQL> create table gp2(gname char(29) references game2(gname),pid int references


Table created.

SQL> desc game2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

GNAME                                     NOT NULL CHAR(29)

 NOP                                                NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into game2 values('cricket',12,'eui');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game2 values('kabddi',7,'uye');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game2 values('kho-kho',7,'jude');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from game2;

GNAME                                NOP CNAME

----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------

cricket                               12 eui

kabddi                                 7 uye

kho-kho                                7 jude

SQL> desc player2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

PID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(27)

SQL> insert into player2 values(101,'rohit sharma','mumbai','bgg');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into player2 values(102,'pravin narval','patana','iur');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into player2 values(103,'huins','bihar','ius');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from  player2;

       PID PNAME                         ADDRCNAME


       101 rohit sharma                  mumbaibgg

 102 pravin narval                 patina          iur

      103                              huins                         biharius

SQL> desc gp2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 GNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 PID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into gp2 values('cricket',101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into gp2 values('kabddi',102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into gp2 values('kho-kho',103);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from gp2;

GNAME                                PID

----------------------------- ----------

cricket                              101

kabddi                               102

kho-kho                              103

SQL> create or replace procedure io as

  2  cursor d is select gname,nop,cname

  3  from game2

  4  where nop>5;

  5  g char(29);

  6  n int;

  7  c char(29);

  8  d1 d%rowtype;

  9  begin

 10  open d;

 11  loop

 12  fetch d into d1;

 13  exit when d%notfound;

 14  g:=d1.gname;

 15  n:=d1.nop;

 16  c:=d1.cname;

 17  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||g||''||n||''||c);

 18  end loop;

 19  close d;

 20  end;

 21  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute io();


output:cricket                      12eui

output:kabddi                       7uye

output:kho-kho                      7jude

procedure successfully completed.

SQL> create or replace PROCEDURE ge as

  2  cursor c1 is select * from game2 where nop>5;

  3  c c1%ROWTYPE;

  4  begin

  5  open c1;

  6  loop

  7  fetch c1 into c;

  8  exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

  9  dbms_output.put_line(c.gname||' '||c.nop||' '||c.cname);

 10  end loop;

 11  close c1;

 12  end;

 13  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute ge();

cricket                       12 eui

kabddi                        7 uye

kho-kho                       7 jude

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2) Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on Game having no_of_players less than or equal to zero. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)

SQL> create or replace trigger hu

  2  before insert or update

  3  on game2

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.nop<=0) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20008,'enter more than 0');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into game2 values('tenis',1,'jn');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game2 values('basketball',-1,'jn');

insert into game2 values('basketball',-1,'jn')


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20008: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.HU", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.HU'

Slip no-17

Q3. Consider the following Item_Supplier database [40] 

Company (name , address , city , phone , share_value) 

Person (pname ,pcity )

 Relationship between Company and Person is M to M relationship with descriptive attribute No_of_shares i Constraints: name,pname primary key Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following

  1. Write a trigger before insert or update on No_of_shares field should not be zero.(Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message) 


SQL> create table company(name char(29) primary key,addr char(29),city char(29),

phone int,svalue int);

Table created.

SQL> create  table person(pname char(29) primary key,pcity char(29));

Table created.

SQL> create table pc(name char(29) references company(name),pname char(29) refer

ences person(pname));

Table created.

SQL> desc company

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

NAME                                      NOT NULL CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

 CITY                                               CHAR(29)

 PHONE                                              NUMBER(38)

 SVALUE                                             NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into company values('tata','pune','pune',45457658,12100000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into company values('bjaj','thane','mumbai',69870972,1200000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into company values('finix','banglor','pune',68764497,7800000);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from company;

NAME                          ADDRCITY                     PHONE     SVALUE

----------------------------- ---------- ----------

tata                          punepune                            45457658   12100000

bjaj                          thane                  mumbai                          69870972    1200000

finix                         banglorpune                            68764497    7800000

SQL> desc person;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

PNAME                                     NOT NULL CHAR(29)

 PCITY                                              CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into person values('raghav','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into person values('aarav','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into person values('shamal','osmanabad');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from person;

PNAME                         PCITY

----------------------------- -----------------------------

raghav                        pune

aarav                         mumbai

shamal                        osmanabad

SQL> desc pc;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

NAME                                               CHAR(29)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into pc values('tata','raghav');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into pc values('bjaj','aarav');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into pc values('bjaj','shamal');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into pc values('finix','shamal');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from pc;

NAME                          PNAME

----------------------------- -----------------------------

tata                          raghav

bjaj                          aarav

bjaj                          shamal

finix                         shamal

  SQL>  create or replace trigger te

  2   before insert or update

  3   on pc

  4   for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.nos<=0) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20001,'Shares must be greater than zero');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


 SQL> insert into pc values('tata','raghav',65);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into pc values('bjaj','shamal',0);

insert into pc values('bjaj','shamal',0)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20001: Shares must be greater than zero

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.TE", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.TE'

  1. Write a function to display total no_of_shares of a specific person.


SQL> create or replace function bl

  2  return number as

  3  res number;

  4  begin

  5  select count(nos) into res from pc

  6  where pname='shamal';

  7  return res;

  8  end;

  9  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||bl());

  3  end;

  4  /



slip no-18

Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationship. [40] 

Student (s_reg_no, s_name, s_class) 

Competition (comp_no, comp_name, comp_type) 

Relationship between Student and Competition is many-to-many with descriptive attribute rank and year. Constraints: primary key, foreign key, primary key for third table(s_reg_no, comp_no, year),s_name and comp_name should not be null,comp_type can be sports or academic. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a function which will accept s_reg_no of student and returns total number of competition in which student has participated in a given year.


SQL> create table student9(srno int primary key,sname char(29),sclass int);

Table created.

SQL> create table competition(cno int primary key,cname char(29),ctype char(29));

Table created.

SQL> create table sc(srno int references student9(srno),cno int references competition(cno));

Table created.

SQL> desc student9

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 SRNO                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 SNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 SCLASS                                             NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into student9 values(101,'shamal',12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student9 values(102,'raghav',13);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student9 values(103,'aarav',14);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from student9;

SRNO    SNAME                             SCLASS

---------- ----------------------------- ----------

       101 shamal                                12

       102 raghav                                13

       103 aarav                                 14

SQL> desc competition

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CTYPE                                              CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into competition values(1,'queis','ty');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into competition values(2,'speech','he');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into competition values(3,'running','t8');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from competition;

 CNO CNAME                         CTYPE

---------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

         1 queis                         ty

         2 speech                        he

         3 running                       t8

SQL> desc sc

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 SRNO                                               NUMBER(38)

 CNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into sc values(101,1);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into sc values(101,2);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into sc values(102,2);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into sc values(103,3);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from sc;

      SRNO        CNO

---------- ----------

       101          1

       101          2

       102          2

       103          3

SQL> create or replace function  kl(n in number)

  2  return number as

  3  res number;

  4  begin

  5  select count(cno) into res from sc where srno=n;

  6  return res;

  7  end;

  8  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||kl(101));

  3  end;

  4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display year wise details of competitions. (Use parameterized cursor)


SQL> declare

  2  cursor c1(n int) is select year,competition.cno,cname,ctype

  3  from student9,competition,sc

  4  where student9.srno=sc.srno

  5  and competition.cno=sc.cno

  6  and year=n

  7  order by year;

  8  c c1%ROWTYPE;

  9  begin

 10  open c1(&n);

 11  loop

 12  fetch c1 into c;

 13  exit when c1%notfound;

 14  dbms_output.put_line(c.year||' '||c.cno||' '||c.cname||' '||c.ctype);

 15  end loop;

 16  close c1;

 17  end;

 18  /


Enter value for n: 2018

old  10: open c1(&n);

new  10: open c1(2018);

2018 2 speech                        he

2018 3 running                       t8

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-19

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Game (game_name, no_of_players, coach_name) 

Player (pid, pname, address, club_name) Relation between Game and Player is Many to Many. Constraint: Primary key, no_of_players should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following

  1. Write a function which will return total number of football players of “Sports Club”. 


SQL> create table game5(gname char(29) primary key,nop int,name char(29));

Table created.

SQL> create table player5(pid int primary key,pname char(29),addr char(29),cname char(27));

Table created.

SQL> create table gp5(gname char(29) references game5(gname),pid int references player5(pid));

Table created.

SQL> desc game5

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

GNAME                                     NOT NULL CHAR(29)

 NOP                                                NUMBER(38)

 NAME                                               CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into game5 values('cricket',12,'ass');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game5 values('fotball',7,'aj');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game5 values('football',7,'aj');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into game5 values('kho-kho',7,'jo');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from game5;

GNAME                                NOP NAME

----------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------

cricket                               12 ass

fotball                                7 aj

football                               7 aj

kho-kho                                7 jo

SQL> desc player5;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(27)

SQL> insert into player5 values(101,'rohit sharma','mumbai','sports club');

row created.

SQL> insert into player5 values(102,'virat','pune','game club');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into player5 values(103,'hardik','pune','ghf club');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from player5;

       PID PNAME                         ADDRCNAME


       101 rohit sharma                  mumbaisports club

102 virat                         punegame club

103 hardik                        puneghf club

SQL> desc gp5;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 GNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 PID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into gp5 values('football',101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into gp5 values('cricket',102);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from gp5;

GNAME                                PID

----------------------------- ----------

football                             101

cricket                              102

SQL> create or replace FUNCTION getnum

  2   return number as

  3  res number(10);

  4  begin

  5  select sum(nop) into res from game5,player5,gp5

  6  where

  7  and game5.gname=gp5.gname

  8  and  gp5.gname='football'

  9  and cname='sports club';

 10  return res;

 11  end;


 13  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||getnum());

  3  end;

  4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display club wise details of players.


SQL> declare

  2  cursor t is select cname,pid,pname,addr from player5

  3  order by cname;

  4  t1 t%rowtype;

  5  begin

  6  open t;

  7  loop

  8  fetch t into t1;

  9  exit when t%notfound;

 10  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||t1.cname||''||||''||t1.pname||''||t1.


 11  end loop;

 12  close t;

 13  end;

 14  /


output:game club                  102     virat                        pune

output:ghf club                   103       hardik                       pune

output:sports club                101     rohit sharma             mumbai

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-20

Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Driver (driver_id, driver_name, address)

 Car (license_no, model, year) 

Relation between Driver and Car is Many to Many with date and time as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, driver_name should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure to display car details used on specific day. 


SQL> create table driver2(did int primary key,dname char(29),addr char(29));

Table created.

create table car(lno int primary key,model char(29),year int);

Table created.

SQL> desc driver2;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- -----------------

 DID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into driver2 values(1,'raghav','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into driver2 values(2,'aarav','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into driver2 values(3,'rohan','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from driver2;

 DID DNAME                         ADDR

---------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

         1 raghav                        pune

         2 aarav                         mumbai

         3 rohan                         mumbai

SQL> desc car;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

LNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 MODEL                                              CHAR(29)

 YEAR                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into car values(101,'swift',2001);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into car values(102,'swift',2018);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into car values(103,'seho',2003);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from car;

  LNO MODEL                               YEAR

---------- ----------------------------- ----------

       101 swift                               2001

       102 swift                               2018

       103 seho                                2003

SQL> create table dc1( pdate date,did int references driver2(did),lno int refere

nces car(lno));

SQL> desc dc1;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PDATE                                              DATE

 DID                                                NUMBER(38)

 LNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into dc1 values('09/jan/20',1,101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into dc1 values('08/mar/20',3,102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into dc1 values('02/mar/20',3,103);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from dc1;

PDATE            DID        LNO

--------- ---------- ----------

09-JAN-20          1        101

08-MAR-20          3        102

02-MAR-20          3        103

SQL> create or replace PROCEDURE js as

  2  cursor c1 is select car.lno,model,year from car,dc1

  3  where  car.lno=dc1.lno

  4  and pdate='08-mar-2020';

  5  d c1%ROWTYPE;

  6  begin

  7  open c1;

  8  loop

  9  fetch c1 into d;

 10  exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 11  dbms_output.put_line(d.lno||' '||d.model||' '||d.year);

 12  end loop;

 13  close c1;

 14  end;


 16  /

Procedure created.


SQL> execute js();

102 swift                         2018

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display driver wise car details in the year 2018.


SQL> declare

  2  cursor d is select dname,car.lno,model,year from driver2,car,dc1

  3  where driver2.did=dc1.did

  4  and car.lno=dc1.lno

  5  and year=2018

  6  order by dname;

  7  d1 d%rowtype;

  8  begin

  9  open d;

 10  loop

 11  fetch d into d1;

 12  exit when d%notfound;

 13  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||d1.dname||''||d1.lno||''||d1.model||''||d1.


 14  end loop;

 15  close d;

 16  end;

 17  /


output:rohan                        102swift                        2018

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-21

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

College (code, college_name, address)

 Teacher (teacher_id, teacher_name, Qualification, specialization, salary, Desg) 

Relation between Teacher and College is Many to One. Constraint: Primary Key, qualification should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a function which will accept college name from user and display total number of “Ph.D” qualified teachers. 


SQL> Create table college1(code int primary key,cname char(29),addr char(29));

Table created.

SQL> Create table teacher10(tid int primary key,tname char(29),qualification char(29),specialisation char(29),desg char(29),code int,constraint fk_college1teacher10 foreign key(code)references college1(code));

Table created.

SQL> desc college1;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

CODE                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(29)

SQL> insert into college1 values(101,'bjs','wagholi');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into college1 values(102,'modern','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into college1 values(103,'wadiya','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from college1;

  CODE CNAME                         ADDR

---------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

       101 bjs                           wagholi

       102 modern                        pune

       103 wadiya                        pune

SQL> desc teacher10;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 TID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 TNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 QUALIFICATION                                      CHAR(29)

 SPECIALISATION                                     CHAR(29)

 DESG                                               CHAR(29)

 CODE                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into teacher10 values(1,'mane','ph.d','bm','hod',101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into teacher10 values(2,'patil','ph.d','ob','principal',102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into teacher10 values(3,'kadam','mca','io','teacher',103);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from teacher10;

TID       TNAME      QUALIFICATIONSPECIALISATION                DESG                                CODE

----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------

  1                  mane            ph.dbm                            hod                                  101

 2         patil              ph.dob                            principal                            102

 3 kadam         mcaio                            teacher                              103

SQL> create or replace function bf(n in char)

  2  return number as

  3  e  number;

  4  begin

  5  select count(tname) into e

  6  from teacher10,college1

  7  where college1.code=teacher10.code

  8  and qualification='ph.d'

  9  and cname=n;

 10  return e;

 11  end;

 12  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||bf('bjs'));

  3  end;

  4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display college wise teacher details.


SQL> declare

  2  cursor v is select cname,teacher10.tid,tname,qualification,specialisation,desg

  3  from college1,teacher10

  4  where college1.code=teacher10.code

  5  order by cname;

  6  v1 v%rowtype;

  7  begin

  8  open v;

  9  loop

 10  fetch v into v1;

 11  exit when v%notfound;

 12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||v1.cname||''||v1.tid||''||v1.tname||''||v1.


 13  end loop;

 14  close v;

 15  end;

 16  /


Output:bjs                          1mane                         ph.dbm                           hod

output:modern                       2patil                        ph.dob                           principal

output:wadiya                       3kadam                        mcaio                           teacher

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-22

Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Country (CId, CName , no_of_states, area, location, population)

 Citizen( Id, Name, mother_toung, state_name) 

Relation between Country and Citizen is one to many. Constraint: Primary key, area should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure to display name of citizens having mother toung “Marathi “ and from “India”;


SQL> Create table country2(cidint primary key,cname char(29),nosint,area char

(29),loc char(29),population int);

Table created.

SQL> Create table citizen3(id int primary key,name char(29),mt char(29),snamech

ar(29),cidint,constraint fk_country2citizen3 foreign key(cid)references country


Table created.

SQL>desc country2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------

 CID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 NOS                                                NUMBER(38)

 AREA                                               CHAR(29)

 LOC                                                CHAR(29)

 POPULATION                                         NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into country2 values(101,'india',34,'ert','gsuy',1230000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into country2 values(102,'us',34,'ert','gsuy',2120000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into country2 values(103,'china',23,'ert','gsuy',200000);

1 row created.

SQL> select* from country2;

  CID CNAMENOS     AREA            LOC            POPULATION

----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------

       101 india 34 ert gsuy                              1230000

102               us                       34ertgsuy                             2120000

103 china 23ertgsuy                              200000

SQL>desc citizen3

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------

 ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 NAME                                               CHAR(29)

 MT                                                 CHAR(29)

 SNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(1,'raghav','marathi','maharashtra',101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(2,'shamal','marathi','maharashtra',102);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into citizen3 values(3,'aarav','marathi','maharashtra',102);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from citizen3;

        ID NAME                          MTSNAME                                CID

----------------------------- ----------

         1 raghavmarathi maharashtra                          10

 2 shamalmarathi maharashtra                          102

 3 aaravmarathi maharashtra                          102  

SQL> create or replace procedure vs as

  2  cursor g is select name from citizen3,country2

  3  where country2.cid=citizen3.cid

  4  and mt='marathi'

  5  and cname='india';

  6  g1 g%rowtype;

  7  begin

  8  open g;

  9  loop

 10  fetch g into g1;

 11  exit when g%notfound;

 12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||;

 13  end loop;

 14  close g;

 15  end;

 16  /

Procedure created.


SQL> execute vs();


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on country having no_of_state less than equal to zero. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger df

  2  before insert or update

  3  on country2

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.nos<=0)  then

  7  raise_application_error(-20002,'enter more than 0');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into country2 values(108,'us',23,'dwe','eeree',1220000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into country2 values(109,'uk',-9,'ha','jk',19000);

insert into country2 values(109,'uk',-9,'ha','jk',19000)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20002: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.DF", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.DF'

Slip no-23

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Wholesaler (w_no, w_name, address, city)

 Product (product_no, product_name, rate)

 Relation between Wholesaler and Product is Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, rate should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure which will display details of products supplied by “Mr. Patil” 


   SQL> create table wholesaler(wnoint primary key,wname char(29),addr char(28),city char(28));

Table created.

SQL>desc wholesaler;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 WNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 WNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(28)

 CITY                                               CHAR(28)

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(1,'raghav','wagholi','pune');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(2,'aarav','thane','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(3,'vijay','thane','mumbai');

1 row created.

SQL>select  * from wholesaler;

SQL> insert into wholesaler values(4,'mr.patil','pune','pune');

1 row created.

       WNO WNAME                         ADDR        CITY

 1  raghav                    wagholi              pune

 2   aarav                         thane           mumbai

  3   vijay                         thane         mumbai

4   mr.patil                      pune          pune

SQL> create table product(pnoint primary key,pname char(28),rate int);

Table created.

SQL>desc product;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(28)

 RATE                                               NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into product values(11,'pen',12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into product values(12,'pencil',11);

row created.

SQL> insert into product values(13,'notebook',23);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from product;

 PNO PNAME                              RATE

---------- ---------------------------- ----------

        11 pen                                  12

        12 pencil                               11

        13 notebook                             23

SQL> create table wp( quantity int,wnoint references wholesaler(wno),pnoint re

ferences product(pno));

Table created.


 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

QUANTITY                                           NUMBER(38)

 WNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into wpvalues(56,1,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wpvalues(52,2,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wpvalues(22,3,13);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into wp values(123,4,12);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from wp;

  QUANTITY        WNO        PNO

---------- ---------- ----------

        56          1         11

        52          2         12

        22          3         13

       123          4         12

SQL> create or replace procedure bn as

  2  cursor c1 is select product.pno,pname,rate

  3  from wholesaler,product,wp

  4  where wholesaler.wname='mr.patil'

  5  and wholesaler.wno=wp.wno

  6  and product.pno=wp.pno;

  7  c c1%ROWTYPE;

  8  begin

  9  open c1;

 10  loop

 11  fetch c1 into c;

 12  exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 13  dbms_output.put_line(c.pno||''||c.pname||''||c.rate);

 14  end loop;

 15  close c1;

 16  end;

 17  /

Procedure created.


SQL> execute bn();

12          pencil                      11

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display wholesaler wise product details

(Use Parameterized cursor)


SQL> declare

  2  cursor c1(n in char) is select wname,product.pno,pname,rate from wholesaler,product,wp

  3  where wholesaler.wno=wp.wno

  4   and product.pno=wp.pno

  5  and wholesaler.wname=n

  6   order by wname;

  7  c c1%ROWTYPE;

  8  begin

  9  open c1(&n);

 10  loop

 11  fetch c1 into c;

 12  exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 13  dbms_output.put_line(c.wname||' '||c.pno||' '||c.pname||' '||c.rate);

 14  end loop;

 15  close c1;

 16  end;

 17  /


Enter value for n: 'vijay'

old   9: open c1(&n);

new   9: open c1('vijay');

vijay                         13     notebook                     23

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-24 

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Student (rollno, sname, class, timetable) 

Lab (LabNo, LabName, capacity, equipment) 

Relation between Student and Lab is Many to One. Constraint: Primary Key, capacity should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure to display details of students which perform practical sessions in a given Lab.


SQL> Create table student2(rnoint primary key,sname char(29),class int,timetabl


Table created.

SQL> Create table lab2(lnoint primary key,lname char(29),capacity int,equ char(

23),rnoint,constraint fk_student2lab2 foreign key(rno)references student2(rno));

Table created.

SQL>desc student2;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 RNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 SNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CLASS                                              NUMBER(38)

 TIMETABLE                                          NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into student2 values(1,'raghav','12',10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student2 values(2,'shamal','11',10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into student2 values(3,'aarav','13',12);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from student2;

RNO SNAME                              CLASS  TIMETABLE

---------- ----------------------------- ---------- ----------

         1 raghav                                12         10

         2 shamal                                11         10

         3 aarav                                 13         12

SQL>desc lab2

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

LNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 LNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 CAPACITY                                           NUMBER(38)

 EQU                                                CHAR(23)

 RNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into lab2 values(11,'slb',56,'computer',1);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into lab2 values(12,'vbb',79,'computer',2);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into lab2 values(13,'rlb',79,'computer',2);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from lab2;


------------  ---------------- ---------------- ---------  ----------

        11          slb                        56            computer   1

12        vbb                          79        computer        2

13        rlb                            79       computer         2

SQL> create or replace procedure kj(n IN number) as

  2  cursor c1 is select student2.rno,sname,class,timetable

  3  from lab2,student2

  4  where student2.rno=lab2.rno

  5  and lab2.lno=n;

  6  c c1%rowtype;

  7  begin

  8   open c1;

  9   loop

 10   fetch c1 into c;

 11   exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 12   dbms_output.put_line('output:'||c.rno||' '||c.sname||' '||c.class||''||c.t


 13   end loop;

 14   close c1;

 15  end;

 16  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute kj(11);


output:1 raghav                        1210

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2)Write a trigger which will fire before delete on Lab (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger kd

  2   before delete

  3  on lab2

  4   for each row

  5  declare

  6   del_lab exception;

  7  begin

  8   raise del_lab;

  9  exception

 10   when del_lab then

 11   raise_application_error(-20001,'Record can not be deleted');

 12  end;

 13  /

Trigger created.


SQL> DELETE FROM lab2 WHERE equ='computer';

DELETE FROM lab2 WHERE equ='computer'


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20001: Record can not be deleted

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.KD", line 7

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.KD'

Slip no-25

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 Gym (Name, city, charges, scheme)

 Member (ID, Name, phoneNo, address)

 Relation between Gym and member is one to many. Constraint: Primary Key, charges must be greater than 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure to display member details of gym located at “Pimpri’” 


1.create table gym23(name varchar2(29) primary key,city varchar2(28),charges int,scheme varchar2(29));

SQL>desc gym23

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

NAME                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(29)

 CITY                                               VARCHAR2(28)

 CHARGES                                            NUMBER(38)

 SCHEME                                             VARCHAR2(29)

insert into gym23 values('abc','pune',34000,'hty');

1 row created.

insert into gym23 values('pqr','pune',30000,'yhj');

1 row created.

insert into gym23 values('xyz','pune',90000,'yuhs');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from gym23;

NAME                          CITY                   CHARGES    SCHEME

abcpune                           34000            hty

pqrpune                           30000            yhj

xyzpune                            90000            yuhs

3 row selected

2.create table member9(id int primary key,mname varchar2(29),phnoint,addr varchar2(28),name varchar2(29),constraint fk_gym23member9 foreign key(name)references gym23(name));

SQL>desc member9

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 MNAME                                              VARCHAR2(29)

 PHNO                                               NUMBER(38)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(28)

 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(29)

insert into member values(11,'raghav',7875657575,'wagholi','abc' );

1 row created.

insert into member values(12,'aarav',7565456478 ,'wagholi','pqr' );

1 row created.

insert into member values(13,'shamal  ',6565657668 ,'pune','xyz' );

1 row created.

SQL> insert into member9 values(21,'shamal',7768886542,'pimpari','xyz');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from member9;

ID   MNAME                PHNO     ADDR     NAME


11    raghav                7875657575   wagholiabc

12    aarav                  7565456478    wagholipqr

13    shamal                6565657668   pune   xyz

21 shamal                  7768886542       pimpari     xyz

SQL> create or replace procedure hj as

  2  cursor c1 is select id,mname,phno,addr from gym23,member9

  3   where

  4  and  city='PIMPRI';

  5  res c1%ROWTYPE;

  6  begin

  7   open c1;

  8   loop

  9   fetch c1 into res;

 10   exit when c1%NOTFOUND;

 11   dbms_output.put_line(||' '||res.mname||' '||res.phno||' '||res.addr);

 12   end loop;

 13   close c1;

 14  end;

 15  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute hj();


32 ANIKET 8605471492 WAGHOLI

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display gym wise member details.(Use Parametrized Cursor)


SQL> declare

  2  g_var gym23%rowtype;

  3  m_var member9%rowtype;

  4  cursor g (name char) is

  5  select * from gym23;

  6  cursor m is

  7  select * from member9;

  8  begin

  9  open g('abc');

 10  loop

 11  fetch g into g_var;

 12  exit when g%notfound;

 13  dbms_output.put_line(;

 14  open m;

 15  loop

 16  fetch m into m_var;

 17  exit when m%notfound;

 18  dbms_output.put_line(||''||m_var.mname||''||m_var.phno||''||m_var.a


 19  end loop;

 20  close m;

 21  end loop;

 22  close g;

 23  end;

 24  /














PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-26

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Project (pno, pname, start_date, budget, status)

 Department (dno, dname, HOD, loc) 

The relationship between Project and Department is Many to One. Constraint: Primary key. Project Status Constraints: C – Completed, P - Progressive, I – Incomplete Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a procedure to display the name of HOD who has completed maximum project. 


create table project(pnoint primary key,pname char(29),sdatedate,dudgetint,status char(28)check(status in('c','i','p')));

SQL>desc project

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              CHAR(29)

 SDATE                                              DATE

 DUDGET                                             NUMBER(38)

 STATUS                                             CHAR(28)

SQL> select * from project;

PNO PNAME              SDATE         DUDGET   STATUS

---------- -----------------------------        ---------       ---------          

1 abc                           09-JAN-20     200000                c

2 ass                           09-MAR-20      50000                i

3 hhs                           04-JAN-20     300000                p

12 xyz                           09-JAN-09     12000                 p

create table department(dnoint primary key,dname char(24),hod char(28),loc char(29),pnoint,constraintfk_projectdepartment foreign key(pno)references project(pno)); 

SQL>desc department;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              CHAR(24)

 HOD                                                CHAR(28)

 LOC                                                CHAR(29)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from department;

 DNO     DNAME                    HOD             LOC      PNO

---------- ------------------------ ------------- --------------              

11  computer science         mane                        pune            1

12  commercedespande                pune             2        

13  computer science            kadam                     pune               3   

23   slbdr                       pune              12

SQL> create or replace procedure ef as

  2  cursor m is select department.hod from department,project

  3  where project.pno=department.pno

  4  and pname=(select max(pname) from  project);

  5  m1 m%rowtype;

  6  begin

  7  open m;

  8  loop

  9  fetch m into m1;

 10  exit when m%notfound;

 11  dbms_output.put_line('ouput:'||m1.hod);

 12  end loop;

 13  close m;

 14  end;

 15  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute ef();



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on project having budget less than or equal to zero. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger dx

  2  before insert or update

  3  on project

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.dudget<=0) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20006,'enter more than 0');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into project values(78,'ds','09/jan/20',1290000,'p');

row created.

SQL> insert into project values(77,'hgo','09/jan/20',-43500,'i');

insert into project values(77,'hgo','09/jan/20',-43500,'i')


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20006: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.DX", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.DX'

Slip no-27

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Plan (plan_no, plan_name, nooffreecalls, freecalltime, fix_amt) 

Customer (cust_no, cust_name, mobile_no) 

Relation between Plan and Customer is One to Many. Constraint: Primary key, fix_amt should be greater than 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure to display the plan having minimum response.


SQL> create table plan11(pnoint primary key,pname varchar2(24),nooffreecallsint,freecalltimetimestamp,famtint check(famt>0));

Table created.

SQL> create table cust11(cnoint primary key,cname varchar2(28),mnoint,pnoint,constraint fk_plan11cust11 foreign key(pno)references plan11(pno));

Table created.

SQL> insert into plan11values(11,'ddsd',12,'09/jan/07 12:09:09',1200);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into plan11values(12,'ytti',22,'02/feb/03


1 row created.

SQL>  insert into plan11 values(13,'kuio',23,'01/mar/0211:02:03',1400);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from plan11;



11 ddsd                                1209-JAN-07 PM   1200

12 ytti                                2202-FEB-03 AM1300

13 kuio                                2301-MAR-02 AM1400

SQL>  insert into cust11 values(1,'priti',1223223232,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into cust11 values(2,'shamal',567576687,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into cust11 values(3,'raghav',576786878,13);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from cust11;

CNO CNAME                               MNO        PNO

---------- ---------------------------- ---------- ----------

         1 priti                        1223223232         11

         2 shamal                        567576687         12

         3 raghav                        576786878         13

SQL> create or replace procedure yh as

  2  cursor k is select pname from plan11

  3  where  nooffreecalls=(select min(nooffreecalls) from plan11);

  4  k1 k%rowtype;

  5  begin

  6  open k;

  7  loop

  8  fetch k into k1;

  9  exit when k%notfound;

 10  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||k1.pname);

 11  end loop;

 12  close k;

 13  end;

 14  /

Procedure created.


SQL> execute yh();


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on mobile number having length less than or greater than10. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message) 


SQL> create or replace trigger mn

  2  before insert or update

  3  on cust11

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(length(:new.mno)<10 or length(:new.mno)>10) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20007,'enter must 10 number');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into cust11 values(89,'shamal',7768886542,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into cust11 values(90,'shamal',776888654,12);

insert into cust11 values(90,'shamal',776888654,12)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20007: enter must 10 number

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.MN", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.MN'

SQL> insert into cust11 values(91,'shamal',77688865423,13);

insert into cust11 values(91,'shamal',77688865423,13)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20007: enter must 10 number

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.MN", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.MN'

Slip no-28

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40]

 Bill (billno, day, tableno, total)

Menu (dish_no, dish_desc, price)

 The relationship between Bill and Menu is Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, price should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a function which accept a table number and display total amount of bill for a specific table 


SQL> create table bill(bnoint primary key,dayvarchar(27),tnoint,totalint);

Table created.

SQL>desc bill

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DAY                                                VARCHAR2(27)

 TNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 TOTAL                                              NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into bill values(1,'monday',23,123);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bill values(2,'saturday',23,234);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bill values(3,'saturday',21,45);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from bill  ;

BNO DAY                                TNO      TOTAL

---------- --------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------

         1 monday                              23       123

         2 saturday                            23        234

         3 saturday                            21         45

SQL> create table menu(dnoint primary key,d_descvarchar(29),price int);

Table created.

SQL>desc menu

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 D_DESC                                             VARCHAR2(29)

 PRICE                                              NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into menu values(11,'asd',234);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into menu values(12,'fsd',659);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into menu values(13,'jho',467);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from menu;

 DNO D_DESC                             PRICE

---------- ----------------------------- ------------------

        11 asd                                  234

        12 fsd                                  659

        13 jho                                  467

SQL> create table bm(bno int references bill(bno),dno int references menu(dno));

Table created.

SQL>desc  bm

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 DNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> insert into bm values(1,11);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bm  values(1,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bm values(2,13);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bmvalues(2,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bm values(3,12);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into bm values(3,13);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from bm;

 BNO        DNO

---------- ----------

 1         11

         1         12

         2         13

         2         12

         3         12

         3         13

6 rows selected.

SQL> create or replace function df(n IN number)

  2  return number as

  3  res number(10);

  4  begin

  5  select total into res from bill

  6   where tno=n;

  7  return res;

  8  end;

  9  /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||df(21));

  3  end;

  4  /



PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a cursor which will display table wise menu details.


SQL> declare

  2  cursor z is select bill.tno,menu.dno,d_desc,price

  3  from bill,menu,bm

  4  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  5  and menu.dno=bm.dno

  6  order by tno;

  7  z1 z%rowtype;

  8  begin

  9  open z;

 10  loop

 11  fetch z into z1;

 12  exit when z%notfound;

 13  dbms_output.put_line(z1.tno||''||z1.dno||''||z1.d_desc||''||z1.price);

 14  end loop;

 15  close z;

 16  end;

 17  /


21 12 fsd 659

21 13 jho 467

23 12 fsd 659

23 12 fsd 659

23 11 asd 234

23 13 jho 467

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Slip no-29

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Employee (emp_id, emp_name, address) 

Investment (inv_no, inv_name, inv_date, inv_amount) 

Relation between Employee and Investment is One to Many. Constraint: Primary key, inv_amount should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following:

  1. Write a function which will return total investment amount of a particular client.


1)Create table employee(eidint primary key,ename char(29),addr char(28));

2)Create table investment1(inoint primary key,iname char(29),idatedate,iamtint,eidint,constraintfk_employeeinvestment1 foreign key(eid)references employee(eid));

SQL>desc employee

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 EID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 ENMAE                                              CHAR(25)

 ADDR                                               CHAR(27)

SQL>desc investment

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

INO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 INAME                                              CHAR(28)

 IDATE                                              DATE

 IAMT                                               NUMBER(38)

 EID                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from employee;

  EID ENMAE            ADDR

---------- ------------------------- --------------------------

101 raghavpune

103 aaravwagholi



SQL> select * from investment;

  INO INAME                        IDATE           IAMT        EID

---------- ---------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------

         1 rahul                        09-JAN-02    1200000        101

         2 archana                      02-MAR-05    1000000        102

         3 pooja                        04-MAR-09    9000000        103

         6 xyz                          26-NOV-16      27000        102

         8 xyz                          26-NOV-08      27000        102

        78 xyz                          26-NOV-22      27000        102

         7 xyz                          03-NOV-23      27000        102

        89 xyz                          09-NOV-23      27000        102

        34 mutual fund                  17-JAN-09     120000          1

        33 mutual fund                  17-JAN-09    1200000        101

10 rows selected.

SQL> create or replace function fr(xz in char)

  2     return number as

  3     sd number;

  4     begin

  5     select sum(investment.iamt) into sd

  6     from employee,investment

  7     where employee.eid=investment.eid

  8      and enmae=xz;

  9      return sd;

 10     end;

 11      /

Function created.


SQL> begin

  2  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||vc('raghav'));

  3  end;

  4  /


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on Investment having investment amount less than 50000. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger cx

  2  before insert or update

  3  on investment

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.iamt<50000) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20005,'enter more than 50000');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created.


SQL> insert into investment values(19,'hj','09/jan/09',12000000,101);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into investment values(167,'hj','09/jan/09',12000,102);

insert into investment values(167,'hj','09/jan/09',12000,102)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20005: enter more than 50000

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.CX", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.CX'

Slip no-30

Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. [40] 

Library(Lno, Lname, Location, Librarian, no_of_books) 

Book(Bid, Bname, Author_Name, Price, publication) 

Relation between Library and Book is one to many. Constraint: Primary key, Price should not be null. Create a RDB in 3NF and write PL/SQL blocks in Oracle for the following: 

  1. Write a procedure to display names of book written by “Mr. Patil” and are from “DPU Library”.


SQL> desc library0;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 LNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 LNAME                                              CHAR(26)

 LOCATION                                           CHAR(27)

 LIBRARIAN                                          CHAR(25)

 NOB                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from library0;

  LNO LNAME                      LOCATIONLIBRARIAN                        NOB

------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

 1 dcmi                       punemane                            1000

 2 dipak                      mumbaijadhav                         13200

 3 divy                       wagholikadam                          13000

 4ganesh                     punebhagat                          1300

 5rani                       Mumbai      patil                           1800

9 dpu                        punehg                              1200

 12 dpu                        punehg                              1200

7 rows selected.

SQL> desc book0;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 BNAME                                              CHAR(25)

 A_NAME                                             CHAR(28)

 PRICE                                              NUMBER(38)

 PUBLICATION                                        CHAR(28)

 LNO                                                NUMBER(38)

SQL> select * from book0;

  BID BNAME                     A_NAME                            PRICEPUBLICATION                         LNO

---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 21 aai                       patil                               120ghu                                   1

  2   karwhar              pati                                120jds                                   2

 23            gh                      s.b.rathod                    230raghav1

34 life                      patil                               239nirali                                9 

67        dreams                patil                               239nirali                               12

45 hgjh                      hsgwi                                12whw  1

6 rows selected.

SQL> create or replace procedure sn as

  2  cursor i is select bname from book0,library0

  3  where library0.lno=book0.lno

  4  and a_name='patil'

  5  and lname='dpu';

  6  i1 i%rowtype;

  7  begin

  8  open i;

  9  loop

 10  fetch i into i1;

 11  exit when i%notfound;

 12  dbms_output.put_line('output:'||i1.bname);

 13  end loop;

 14  close i;

 15  end;

 16  /

Procedure created.

SQL> execute sn();




PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  1. Write a trigger which will fire before insert or update on book having price less than or equal to zero. (Raise user defined exception and give appropriate message)


SQL> create or replace trigger mk

  2  before insert or update

  3  on book0

  4  for each row

  5  begin

  6  if(:new.price<=0) then

  7  raise_application_error(-20009,'enter more than 0');

  8  end if;

  9  end;

 10  /

Trigger created


SQL> insert into book0 values(78,'fk','bhuj',470,'foyp',4);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into book0 values(56,'fk','bhuj',0,'fgf',5);

insert into book0 values(56,'fk','bhuj',0,'fgf',5)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-20009: enter more than 0

ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.MK", line 3

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.MK'

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